
Young Farmers and Ranchers ‘Agvocate’ at Statehouse

Young Farmers at Statehouse

Young farmers and ranchers from across South Carolina spoke with agricultural leaders and members of the Senate and House of Representatives recently during the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Legislative Day at the Statehouse.

The Federation’s YF&R members from across the state...

Faith, Family, Farming

Zippy Duvall

Many of you know that my wife Bonnie has been in the hospital for several weeks recovering from emergency surgery related to her cancer, and I’ve been spending a lot more time in Georgia than in Washington lately. Bonnie is doing much better. There’s still a long road ahead, but Bonnie is getting stronger every day. We...

Driving Innovation to Improve Sustainability

JM Peck

Sustainability is a word we hear a lot today. For a cattle rancher it has a lot of meanings. Just like any business, our ranch must be financially stable. We must make enough to support our families and then hope to have a little left over to reinvest in our business. In agriculture, financial sustainability and...

Agriculture Yields Jobs on and off the Farm

Zippy Duvall

As farmers, we want to do good for our land and animals, our families and communities, and our country. We take pride in knowing that the work we do on our farms and ranches reaches far beyond our fence rows.

With farmers and ranchers making up only 2 percent of the population in our country today, agriculture can get...

Sowing the Seeds of Policy for 2019

Zippy Duvall

We are coming up on an exciting time for Farm Bureau when you gather as members to begin the policy development process with your local county Farm Bureau. This is a tradition many of you have been carrying on for a century now, and we can all be proud of our active grassroots heritage. Our strength comes from our...

Cultivating Conversations, Dairy Edition

Elizabeth Wood

Today’s consumers have a desire to learn about where their food comes from. 95% of U.S. households have dairy products in their refrigerators making dairy production a hot topic. As a Farm Bureau member, here are a few talking points you can use to discuss dairy farming with consumers.

  • Organic vs. Conventional: All...