SC Farmer Magazine

The SC Farmer is an award-winning magazine published quarterly in February, May, August and November and subscription is included with membership to South Carolina Farm Bureau. Through captivating photos and interesting articles, we bring South Carolinians closer to farmers and the rural lands we all love.

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Market Place

The Market Place is intended for the benefit of individual members, and free space is offered (limit 25-word ad) for personal property and services or farm items only. Your membership number must be included for consideration for free advertising. SC Farmer will advertise only those products and services that meet reasonable standards of honesty in advertising and cannot guarantee any product that is advertised. To place your ad, email Mallory Hall.

SCFB Promotion and Education
PO Box 754
Columbia, SC 29202 


If you have an agricultural event of interest, include your name and telephone number with a description of the event and send to Mallory Hall.


The Farmer magazine is distributed to nearly 100,000 subscribers quarterly. For more information about advertising, contact Mallory Hall. Click here to download a current rate card.