Without our presence in Washington D.C., the voice of our members and those who make farming a way of life, would be not be heard – leaving others to decide our fate.

What is the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee?

The voting delegates of the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation decided at their annual meeting in December 2016, to form the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation PAC (SCFBF PAC) in order to ensure our members and the farming community of South Carolina had a voice in Washington.

The PAC is the most effective tool to give you the opportunity to express your concerns and ideas.  The PAC was established to raise funds and provide support to candidates of any party affiliation, running for office in the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate and President.

You may ask, “Why should I get involved?”.  Without the support of our members and the grassroots initiatives supported by the S.C. Farm Bureau, our representatives in Washington wouldn’t hear how important their support is to agricultural issues affecting South Carolina.  In the recent past, this was critical in securing financial aid for farmers, following the natural disaster that struck our state.

Thousands of interest groups are being represented in Washington.  Raising funds for the PAC gives us the ability to send a strong message to legislators in our nation’s capital that we want them to support issues that favorably impact rural families of South Carolina and our nation.  This is why participating in our nation’s political process through the SCFBF PAC is so important!

It’s more important than ever for you to be part of the solution. 

For more information about the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation PAC, please contact the Assistant Treasurer for the PAC at (803) 936-4676.