Submit your photos for the 2025 Photo Contest now!
Young Farmers and Ranchers have the chance to showcase their creative side in the annual photo contest held at the SCFB YF&R Conference. Winners are selected in five categories: People on the Farm, Farm Scenes, Farm Animals, Conference Theme and People’s Choice. To be eligible to enter, you must be a member of South Carolina Farm Bureau and in attendance at the SCFB YF&R Conference. Entries must be taken between 2022 and 2025.
How to Enter:
Submit one (1) electronic copy and one (1) hard copy of each photo.
- Submit your electronic copy(ies) and release form(s) here.
- A separate release form/entry must be filled out for EACH photo being entered in the contest.
- To submit your hard copy of each photo, bring your printed photo(s) to the registration desk at the SCFB YF&R Conference by 8:00 PM on Friday, February 7, 2025.
- If you are not going to arrive in time to meet the above deadline, you may mail your photo(s) to arrive tot he State Office by the Friday one week before the conference. Photos can be mailed to SCFB Attn: Brittany Jeffcoat, PO Box 745, Columbia, SC 29202.
- Each photo must be labeled on he back with the category of entry, name and county of the photographer. Sticker label will be available at the conference.
Contest Guidelines
SCFB retains the right to use photos for promotional purposes without compensation to the photographer, but may credit the photographer. In addition, SCFB, at its discretion, retails the right to provide photos to outside organizations that wish to publish or display them. SCFB has the option, at its sole discretion, to decide whether to crop, edit, or otherwise alter submitted images.
Judging of the photography contest will be based on : composition and arrangement, interest, presentation and the image quality. The panel of judges will be selected a the discretion of SCFB Staff.
Congratulations to the 2024 winners!
Young Farmers and Ranchers showcased their creative side in the annual photo contest held at the YF&R Conference. Winners were selected in five categories: People on the Farm, Farm Scenes, Farm Animals, Conference Theme and People’s Choice. The winners were: