To promote access to agricultural-related internship opportunities for students who experience financial barriers related to relocation expenses.
- Student seeking workplace experience in an agricultural or agriculture related field
- Verified internship offer with an agriculture employer
- Verified financial need/barrier to access
Required Documents:
- One page "Statement of Need" that includes:
- Are you currently the recipient of any private or government assistance? (Ex. Grants, scholarships, or public access programs) If so, please list.
- Explain your personal situation. What prevents you from being able to access an agricultural internship opportunity?
- What would being the recipient of this grant mean to you?
- Discuss your career goals and how this internship would help you further your career.
- Statement/Letter of Endorsement from a representative of your college or university
- Unofficial transcript
- Resume
- Financial resources verification information
- Projected expenses for accessing this internship (optional)
Grant Funding:
Applications will be reviewed by a committee to decide how much is granted and to whom. Up to $3,000 will be granted, no partial allocations will be given.
Important Dates:
- January 15th – Online Application Released
- March 1st– Online Applications are Due
- May 1st- Grant Recipients will be contacted