Hosted by SC Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers
December 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
Arcadian Shores Golf Club
Myrtle Beach, SC
Join us for the Annual SC Farm Bureau golf tournament fundraiser benefiting the SC Ag in the Classroom Fund. SC Ag-in-the-Classroom Fund (AITC) is an educational non-profit organization (501-C-3) created to promote awareness and recognition of the importance of the sources of our food and fiber. The Golf Benefit helps AITC continue to provide agriculturally accurate supplies, lesson plans, and workshops to educators and schools in SC.
You must complete the form online to register a team or to sign up as a sponsor at 2024 SCFB YF&R Golf Benefit. We will not accept written registrations.
Arcadian Shores is conveniently located near the entrance to Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach where we will have exclusive use of the facilities for the entire day. This event is being hosted in conjunction with the SC Farm Bureau Annual Convention.
Participate through playing, sponsoring or both! Feel free to participate as an individual or as a team.
Checks should be made payable to the SC Ag in the Classroom Fund and submitted to: SC Farm Bureau, Attn: Golf Benefit, PO Box 754, Columbia, SC 29202.
For more information, contact Brittany Jeffcoat at 803-608-2316.