Jamie Driggers

Jamie works as a full-time farmer in Dillon, SC with her husband and young son. Their family raises commercial Angus cross cattle, and breed and sell replacement heifers. She is currently a member of the American Angus Association, South Carolina Cattlemen’s Association, Pee Dee Cattlemen’s Association, and American Quarter Horse Association. Jamie and her husband moved to SC in 2011, and started their farm. They went through the FSA loan process, purchasing their first 100 head of cattle. Now, their farm has grown to over 300 head. Through a focus on genetics, they have also established their own herd of cattle, setting them up for success.  

As a mentor, she believes she can support in the following: 

  • Discuss the FSA loan system & Farm Credit System 
  • Knowledge on the importance of book-keeping and farm record-keeping 
  • Building a brand & business from scratch while raising a family 
  • Being a woman in a male dominated industry 


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