South Carolina Farmers Attend 106th American Farm Bureau Convention

SCFB took home the New Horizon Award for the SCFB Land Trust

South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation members attended the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 106th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, January 24-29. State award winners, committee members and voting delegates took part in sessions about technology, market outlooks, farm bill, leadership and the future of farming. 

Farmer and rancher delegates adopted policies to guide the organization’s work in 2025. Key topics ranged from labor to rural broadband to trade. 

2025 SCFB Voting Delegates

SCFB voting delegates participated in approving measures to help assure a prosperous agricultural and rural economy in the coming year and beyond. SCFB voting delegates for the Annual Meeting of Farm Bureau Women also met to approve resolutions that will set the agenda for the grassroots organization in 2025. 

“Today, Farm Bureau demonstrated what truly makes it the voice of American agriculture,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “Delegates from each state Farm Bureau and Puerto Rico directly addressed the challenges and opportunities facing farmers and ranchers. The policies they set today give us a roadmap to work with the new administration and Congress to address the needs of rural America. It includes the passage of a new farm bill, enacting regulatory reform, and creating new markets for the men and women who are dedicated to keeping America’s pantries stocked.” 

YF&R Competitors

Winners of the Young Farmers & Ranchers Achievement Award, Discussion Meet and Excellence in Agriculture competitions were announced. Young farmers and ranchers from around the country competed for the awards by demonstrating knowledge of and achievement in agriculture, as well as commitment to promoting the agriculture industry. 

South Carolina was well represented by an outstanding group of competitors. Sam Quinney (Fairfield) discussed current agricultural issues in the Discussion Meet and competed in the Sweet-Sixteen round. Nicole Burbage (Berkeley) competed in the American Farm Bureau Excellence in Ag Competition. Drake and Nicole Yon (Saluda) represented us in the American Farm Bureau Achievement Award Competition. 

Allison Whiten will serve as Secretary for the AFBF YF&R Committee

Allison Whiten (Oconee) was selected by her peers to serve as secretary of the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. She and her husband Andy will complete their term on the committee in 2026. Their service marks the fifth straight term for a representative from South Carolina to serve on the National committee. 

SCFB Women"s Leadership Committee

Megan Floyd (Horry-Conway) was elected to a two-year term as the Southern Representative for the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee. Women are essential to agriculture, as leaders on and off the farm, from running a farm or ranch business to advocating on Capitol Hill. The American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership program provides women with opportunities for growth and development to sharpen their skills and strengthen their ability to inspire change. 

Pinnacle Award

For the second straight year, South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation received the Pinnacle Award, the highest honor a state Farm Bureau can be awarded for program and membership achievement. 

South Carolina also received the New Horizon Award, which recognizes the most innovated state Farm Bureau programs for the South Carolina Farm Bureau Land Trust. The trust was created to provide opportunities for farmers to use conservation easements to protect their land from urban encroachment and development. In its first 18 months, the trust protected more than 2,500 acres on working farms and ranches. 

SC County Presidents with AFBF President Zippy Duvall

Also South Carolina was recognized for having outstanding programs in all four categories in which awards were presented at the AFBF Convention: Advocacy, Engagement & Outreach, Leadership & Business Development, and Coalitions & Partnerships. 

Planning for the American Farm Bureau’s 2026 Convention has already begun. Mark your calendar to meet us January 9-14 in Anaheim, California.

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