Sumter County

Office Information

Physical Address: 90 West Wesmark, Sumter, SC 29150
P: (803) 773-4301
F: (803) 773-1033
Lead Secretary: Jenny Vohs
County Dues: $40
Youth Membership: $25

Scholarship Information

Sumter County FB donates a $500.00 scholarship to Clemson University each year.

Eligibility: Applicants must be accepted as a student at Clemson and major in agriculture.

How to apply: Students can receive applications from financial aid at Clemson University.

Deadline: Applications must be received by Clemson University before July to be eligible for the fall semester.

Contact person: Chris Wood (864) 656-5081

Sumter County Farm Bureau Officers
PresidentMarion Huggins
Vice PresidentTommy Laney
Secretary-TreasurerWoody Green, Jr.
State DirectorWoody Green, Jr.
Legislative Committee ChairChris Sumpter
Young Farmer & Rancher Committee ChairKatie Woods Glenn
Women's Committee ChairJoye Davis
Information/Public Relations ChairJoye Davis
Membership ChairTommy Laney
Pee Dee District DirectorFaith Truesdale